


The Master of Arts in Kinesiology program is designed to ensure that graduate students are exposed to classical and contemporary knowledge in the component areas of the field while allowing them to specialize in one of two concentrations: Sport Management or 运动训练学.

The 运动训练学 curriculum prepares students for versatile and competitive careers in an athletic coaching environment. 重点是生理学, 哲学, 电机的性能, 编程, 心理学, 以及在教练领域的研究, 学生们可以更好地处理行政事务, 动机, 以及各级教练的组织方面.



每年的运动机能学硕士课程为学生提供不同的机会来获得实践经验, 包括:

  • 研究生协调员奖学金
  • 研究生教学机会
  • 运动机能学系学生就业机会


圣玛丽提供了这样的机会 在14-26个月内完成学位.


我们寻找积极进取的学生,他们想要学习并改变他人的生活. 不需要GRE.






KINES 600:研究生学习和研究导论 
本课程介绍运动机能学的科学与研究. 它旨在促进对子学科中所采用的研究的理解. 它也旨在准备学生写全面的文献综述. 讨论了研究中的伦理问题, 对优秀研究的质量进行了综述, 学生将学习如何批判性地分析本领域的实证研究.

This course is an introduction to the basic foundations of 哲学 as they relate to the sport and physical activity domain. The course is designed to promote an understanding of the nature of 哲学 and the major schools of philosophical thought. Topics include: The importance of 哲学 to physical education and athletics; various teaching and coaching philosophies; ethical issues in sport and physical activity (e.g. drug use); and close examinations of contemporary social issues associated with race, 种族, 和性别.

KINES 624:人体运动性能 
This course is an overview of the neurophysical foundations of motor behavior in the sports and physical activity domain. 目前的理论, 实证研究, 以及在教练领域的应用实践, 心理学, 教育学, 以及运动技能的发展. 主题包括:运动程序理论, 营造理想的学习环境, 以及学习者和教师在运动技能习得中的角色.

本课程探讨体育活动的心理社会维度. 目前的理论 and 实证研究 are discussed in an effort to understand the mental aspects of sport and exercise. 主题包括:目标取向, 动机气候, 自尊, 唤起监管, 性能增强技术, 领导, 通过运动来发展性格.

KINES 675:运动教练生理学
这门课程是关于身体对运动的生理适应的研究. 目前的理论 and 实证研究 are applied to the response of acute exercise and the chronic adaptations that occur in the metabolic, 心肺和肌肉骨骼系统. 这为构建适合运动和运动参与的调理方案提供了依据. 课堂实验室旨在展示测量技术和评估身体健康.

KINES 681:运动教练的应用概念(力量和调节)
本课程提供研究生水平的关于力量和调节的理论和科学的指导. 本课程是为满足教练员的需要而设计的, 物理教育工作者, 以及其他对健身职业感兴趣的人. Students will have an opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of the principles of strength training and conditioning, 包括:解剖学和生理学方面的考虑, 提升技术, 设备选择, 程序开发/评估, 和举重安全. Several in-class laboratories will be conducted for practice in the creation of strength and conditioning programs and measurement techniques to evaluate human performance and injury risk. Upon completion students may pursue certifications such as the NSCA Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).


This course is designed to give students an understanding and appreciation of the administrative process as it applies to K-12 and college physical education and athletic programs. 当前的文献在商业和管理领域进行了讨论. Topics include: developing administrative styles; diversity issues as they relate to effective management of human resources; revenue acquisition and budget development; media relations; intra-organizational competition; sponsorship acquisition and retention; marketing; and event management.

KINES 630:监督和法律方面 
本课程侧重于教师的前瞻性风险管理, 教练, 管理人员将尽量减少其组织的法律责任. 主题包括:法律体系概述, 监督过失侵权责任, 设施保养及保养, 和招聘. 这些主题将主要在加州法院的判例法的背景下进行审查.

KINES 671:体育组织的领导和治理
This course provides a detailed understanding for the application of general principles of management and 领导 to the sport industry and the management of sport organizations. 它提供了体育产业的概览, the issues encountered by managers of sport organizations and how management techniques can be applied to effectively address these issues.

外部关系:媒体、公共关系、市场营销 & 赞助
This course focuses on understanding and managing the relations between sport organizations and media agencies. 主题包括大众传媒对体育影响的历史观点, as well as present day techniques used by sport organizations to manage all aspects of media relations including significant recent changes brought about by the increased use of social media.

KINES 674:规划和举办体育赛事
This course focuses upon the political and organizational dynamics required to plan and stage sporting events. 主题包括:获得事件批准所需的政治过程, 安全和风险管理, 财务分析和预算规划, 事件营销, 人力资源需求, 媒体及公共关系, 观众及VIP需求, 交通及停车, 医疗和安全要求, 以及举办活动的临时和长期设施的设计要求.

KINES 678:体育的社会文化方面 
This seminar-style course is designed to focus on sport as part of the social and cultural world in which we live. The emphasis is on sports and sport-related actions as they influence and are influenced by the social and cultural contexts in which they are created and played. 介绍历史事件,了解他们是如何影响体育在我们现在的社会.


*KINES 580:学术讨论会(夏季- 1学分)
在每个夏季课程的第一周, a group of leading scholars and professionals is invited to campus to address the department’s graduate students. 为期4天的讨论会集中讨论我们领域的当代问题. 以下是前几年涵盖的主题示例:

  • 脑震荡 & 学生运动员心理健康
  • 健康的反进化
  • 《十大网赌平台》颁布40年后的田径运动中的性别平等

KINES 705:组合- 1个单位
这个组合课程作为运动机能学硕士的顶点活动. It will provide the student an opportunity to develop a portfolio from a variety of artifacts accumulated during their studies in the program and serves as a showcase of their individual suite of talents. 作品集的内容可以包括:专业工作产品, 创造性的工作, 适用的课程作业示例, 写作样本, 或特别项目的亮点, 志愿者工作, 或者正在进行的工作. 通过这门课程,学生将能够以专业和学术工作为特色, 打造个人品牌, 并分享核心竞争力的证据,以便更好地为研究生的成功做好准备. The student will integrate applicable knowledge from both the core Grad Kin courses as well as elective courses into the final portfolio. 本课程促进学生将所学知识应用于现实世界, 并且可以用来更好地为他们完成学位后的工作做准备.

795年亲人: 实习 (秋季及春季- 1-3个单元)
这一个, two or three unit course allows students to gain practical experience in areas of the field of most interest to them. The student applies to and is selected to an internship site either on or off campus and then completes the necessary work and academic requirements.

799年亲人: 独立学习 (秋季及春季- 1-3个单元)
这一个, two or three unit course involves an independent review of literature or original research project in a topical area of interest in the field. The student proposes a topic and reading list to be approved by the faculty member with a specialty area most closely relating to the student topic.  然后学生在该教员的指导下完成并讨论阅读材料和研究.


*学生必须至少修一次KINES 580.

秋天 & 春季学期:课程每周一次(星期一、二、三、四),由下午六时开始.m.-9:00 p.m.

夏季学期:每周两次(星期一/三或星期二/四),上课时间为下午6-8点45分.M,七周的学期. 讨论会在六月的第一个星期下午6点开始.m.-9:00 p.m.

COVID-19更新(23年1月31日):2023年春季, 课程将亲自授课,鼓励戴口罩. 我们期待着再次一起在教室里!

所有学生必须完成30个单元的课程, 包括五(5)门核心课程, 以及作品集/实习完成情况. 所有课程必须以B或更高的成绩完成,学生必须保持3分.平均绩点为0.


如果参加全日制课程, 根据学生的开始学期,最快可以在14-16个月内完成要求.


如果参加兼职课程, 这些要求可以在18到26个月之间的任何地方完成, 这取决于学生的开学时间以及他们每学期计划修多少门课.

联系科林·斯基恩,招生和招聘助理主任,地址 cas38@reverse-mortgage-explained.com 了解更多课程计划样本.

Students meet with the 研究生 Program Director in advance of their first term to develop an academic plan that works specifically with their interests and goals, 并确立具体的毕业时间.

Daniel Sheets照片


In 2019, Daniel Sheets获得了运动机能学学士学位, 重点是健康和人类表现, 在十大正规网赌平台. 他立即开始攻读我们的研究生运动机能学硕士学位. Dan also played on the SMC’s Men’s 篮球 team for five consecutive seasons giving him first-hand experience as a Division I student-athlete.

大约四年前,Sheets也白手起家,开始了自己的篮球培训业务. 他从一个孩子开始,现在有超过120个孩子参加拉莫林达社区, 帮助他们从小培养篮球技能.


获得运动机能学硕士学位的学生有资格参加学生就业, 奖学金和经济援助.


